Installing Zotero

Note: Zotero is installed on all ASU lab machines

  1. Use Zotero with Firefox
  2. Point your browser to
  3. Click the Download button and follow the directions

Sign Up For Zotero Online

  1. Point your browser to
  2. Click Register (top left of browser)
  3. Fill in the requested information
  4. Click Login and enter your username and password

Synchronize Local Machine with the Zotero Server

If you synchronize a lab machine with the Zotero server, be sure to remove your username and password before leaving the machine!

Finding and Saving Articles

  1. Create a new collection
  2. Search for interesting articles
  3. Save interesting articles

Exporting the *.bib File

  1. Select the files you want to export
  2. Export as BibTeX
  3. Rename the file a single name (reversemath.bib below) and remember where it is saved

Citing Articles

  1. Store the .bib file in the same directory as the *.Rmd file
  2. Add the *.bib file to the YAML
  3. Cite using @articlename
  4. Add a References section to the end of your document

To cite (Shafer 2016) or (Hölzl, Jain, and Stephan 2016) use [@shafer_reverse_2016] and [@holzl_inductive_2016], respectively.

You Tube Videos

Here are some YouTube videos I made for using Zotero and R Markdown.


Hölzl, Rupert, Sanjay Jain, and Frank Stephan. 2016. “Inductive Inference and Reverse Mathematics.” Annals of Pure & Applied Logic 167 (12): 1242–66. doi:10.1016/j.apal.2016.06.002.

Shafer, Paul. 2016. “The Reverse Mathematics of the Tietze Extension Theorem.” Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 144 (12): 5359–70. doi:10.1090/proc/13217.